Tag Archives: Denmark

Byttemarked Århus – 16. Nov – Godsbanen

Kom til byttemarked lørdag d. 16. november fra kl.10.00 – 15.00 på Godsbanen, hvor AffaldVarme Aarhus og Byttemarkeder.dk sammen afvikler dagen.

Har du ikke været til byttemarked før, så brug 5 min på at læse, hvad det går ud på. Programmet kan du se længere nede.


1. Medbring ting som stadig har god værdi, men du ikke bruger mere, og vil give væk.
2. Fordel dine ting i de rigtige kategorier f.eks tøj, sko, dvd’er, bøger, køkkenting etc.
3. Du finder selv noget som du mægtig gerne vil have med hjem – alt er gratis.

Så nemt er det!

Tøj, sko, køkkenting, diverse indretningsting, bøger, DVD’er, CD’er, LP’er, legetøj, spil, små møbler, smykker, accessories, tidssvarende elektronik, make up/cremer der er i orden, potteplanter, frugt fra haven. Kun fantasien sætter grænser, så længe, det er brugbart! for andre.

Medbring IKKE ødelagte ting, eller ting, der ikke virker, ej heller tøj med huller og pletter. Det er en dårlig ide at medbringe store ting som møbler og TV. Der kan du i stedet brug http://www.aarhus.dk/, hvor aftageren henter direkte hos dig.

Der er ingen faste regler for, hvor meget man må tage. Så man kan komme med 20 kg og gå med 5, eller omvendt. Som regel bliver der afleveret mere, end der er taget og tingene fordeler sig ud fra behov. Hvis man hamstrer uhæmmet bliver man dog bedt om at forlade arrangementet. Det sker heldigvis sjældent.

Det bliver givet videre til andre.

På et byttemarked kommer der ting ind hele tiden, og vi sørger for gratis the og kaffe. Derudover vil der være DJs fra Culture Works som spiller lidt lækker musik.

Se mere på facebook


WarmUp Denmark – a new way of meeting people in Aarhus

Would you like to become a part of something inspirational on the grand-scale that has never been seen before in Aarhus?
Well, here is your chance!

We are happy to introduce this one of a kind event that has been organised to allow people to come together, open up, and do something perfectly ‘strange’!

This event is made for you, for the people we don’t know, and for the people you definitely don’t know either. So no matter if you are muscles or brain, colourful or plain we want you to take part in a wonderful event that is sure to give the perfect strangers of Aarhus a chance to warm up to each other to help start a revolution of kindness and first-class coffee.

So, where, when and how can you participate?

We, four international students from Business Academy Aarhus have created the perfect platform for you in Lille Torv, Aarhus starting at 11.00 to 14.30 on the 18th of October.

We know it sounds a little outlandish and it may require some courage, but lets get together Aarhus and bring down those barriers of a sometimes-unimaginative comfort zone! It is just you, a perfect stranger and not to mention, the event will be supported by some of the finest businesses in town.

So bring your good-hearted spirit, share or even buy a coffee for a stranger and start a conversation that will help to spread the message to the rest of the world that Aarhus deserves to be Europe’s cultural capital in the years to come.

We look forward to seeing you there! If you may have any queries please do not hesitate to contact: https://www.facebook.com/WarmUpDK

Friday 18th oct,  11-16 Lille Torv , Århus



Vil du være en del af noget, der giver inspiration på den store skala og aldrig før er set før i Aarhus?

Nu har du chancen.

Det glæder os at kunne introducere denne helt særlige begivenhed, der er blevet organiseret for at give mennesker mulighed for at mødes, åbne op og gøre noget helt specielt for en fuldstændig fremmed.

Begivenheden er for dcg, alle dem vi ikke kender, og alle dem du helt sikket heller ikke kender. Så det er lige meget om du har musklerne eller hjernen, om du har krøller eller ej, vi vil indbyde dig til at deltage i en vidunderlig begivenhed, der bringer fuldstændige fremmede sammen i Aarhus og starte en revolution af gode gerninger og kaffe i verdensklasse.

Så hvor, hvornår og hvordan kan du deltage?

Vi, fire internationale studerende på Erhvervsakademi Aarhus, har arrangeret den perfekte platform for dig på Lille Torv, Aarhus fra kl.12-16 den 18. oktober.

Vi ved den lyder en smule fremmed, og det kan kræve noget mod, men lad os samle Aarhus og nedbryde den nogle gange utænkelige komfort zones barrierer.

Det er bare dig, en fuldstændig fremmed og ej at forglemme at begivenheden sponsoreres af nogle af byens fineste virksomheder.

Så tag dit varme hjerte med, del eller køb sågar en kop kaffe til en fremmed og start en samtale, der vil hjælpe med til at sprede budskabet; at Aarhus har fortjent at være Europas kulturelle hovedstad i de kommende år.
Vi glæder os til at se dig!
Hvis du har nogen spørgsmål, så tøv ikke med at kontakte; https://www.facebook.com/WarmUpDK

Fredag d. 18 okt,  11-16 Lille Torv , Århus

Sign up for the event at facebook; https://www.facebook.com/events/1387024108201310/

Interview with Purnima Kumarathas, Chairwoman for the Integration Council of Aarhus Kommune

By  Christoffer Holmsteen 

Culture is normally seen as something positive. But historically it has led to much debate, and culture has and will always be a source of potential conflict. In all its wonderful diversity. In the eyes of many one country’s, one people’s, one person’s culture adds to the composition of our surroundings. But in the meeting, the fusion, the clash, if you will, between various cultures problems and serious friction often occur. While a country like the USA from birth has been a multicultural society, ever since we to begin with invited people to come here from distant parts of the world in the late 60’s, Europe has experienced an increasing problem with integration of citizens from other nations. Culture and integration are two inseparable concepts.

Here follows an interview about integration in Aarhus, Denmark.

Can I do more to better meet and understand others?

Interview with Purnima Kumarathas, Chairwoman for the Integration Council of Aarhus Kommune

Chairwoman of the City of Aarhus’ Integration Council Purnima Kumarathas thinks that it is possible to integrate and conform to Danish law, without compromising your cultural background.

‘One does not necessarily exclude the other. But the culture you inherited from your parents can not stand alone. If you want to live your life in Denmark, it is important to understand Danish culture, in order to be properly integrated.’

Purnima Kumarathas came to Denmark from Sri Lanka as a child in the eighties, when the family fled the war on the island. She grew up in Frederikshavn, before moving to Aarhus to study medicine. Today she works as a physician at the Department of Infectious Diseases at Odense University Hospital, but still lives in Aarhus that she cares for greatly, not least because of its diversity.
It was members of the Council who invited the young doctor to run for election in 2009.
According to its rules, the “Integration Council … can on its own initiative or on request give advisory opinions on integration in the municipality” (§ 1, paragraph. 2).

‘Some apparently believe we have legislative powers. This is not the case. We are only an advisory body, which purpose is to assist in making the integration efforts of the municipality effective and consistent.’

At times greater visibility has been called for, but the chairwoman has concentrated on getting the Integration Council to function as efficiently as possible.

‘I have focused on the tasks referred to the Council, within the set framework. Most importantly for me has been to reach consensus, to build bridges between the many stakeholders and the municipality, and prioritize the requested answers requested by the City Council. In addition the post has also incurred a great deal of representation.’

Purnima Kumarathas feels privileged to be a citizen of a society built around a peaceful community. It is important to her to uphold values ​​like freedom of expression, freedom of religion and gender equality.

‘The personal freedom with responsibility, which we enjoy in Denmark, is incredibly valuable.’

Purnima Kumarathas does not understand the radicalization of young people, and the destructive behavior some exhibit.

‘I believe we should try to solve the underlying problems causing some young people to vandalize their surroundings, not least for the sake of prevention. But they must submit to the values, laws and norms which are common for all, and which is the backbone of the Danish society. ‘

And this seems to be the core of the integration issue.

‘Denmark is not perfect but in many ways the society functions well. We just have to look at the rest of the world to see how well off we are in Denmark. It’s easier to destroy than to maintain and build a new society from the ground up, so we ought to preserve the valuable things we have. For me diversity is strength, if it is put into play the right way.’

The Integration Council Chairwoman finds it must be frustrating living in a country which values ​​and norms one does not agree with.

‘For example, I see the case of bringing your children up to believe in different values for the sexes as totally wrong, and simply do not understand so-called honor killings. It’s fine to bring some cultural values ​​from back home, but you must evolve and adapt to the new environment and modern times.’

In the eyes of Purnima Kumarathas religion can sometimes be an obstacle to integration and dialogue.

‘There must be room for diversity. Differences of religion, ideology, political and sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, age etc. should not be used to divide us humans. We must meet in humanity.’

The young woman speaks from personal experience.

‘As a child I was asked if I saw myself as Tamil or Danish. I replied I felt like a human being.’

The conversation moves back to the subject of religion.

‘Religion should not prevent coexistence. It is absurd to take “God” and religion as hostages in that discussion.’

She is very inspired by one of Denmark’s most important thinkers and writers.

‘Soren Kierkegaard wrote about the art of help, finding man where he or she is. It is beneficial also to see the world from the perspective of others. It is important, in order to understand and get closer to each other, and a prerequisite for integration and co-existence in any society’

“If one is truly to succeed in leading a person to a particular place, first and foremost one must take care to find him where he is and begin there.” Quote Soren Kierkegaard.

The Chairwoman of the Aarhus Integration Council believes we can all help as citizens.

‘I think we all have something to pass on in one way or another. Even a child can be learned from. I think we should ask ourselves with what we can contribute. ‘

And there is plenty to do.

‘It is important to be open to change. We all carry prejudice around, but it is generally based on lack of knowledge. I would like to suggest you ask yourself: Can I do anything more to meet others?’
When her term ends in 2014, Purnima Kumarathas will not run again for the Integration Council. Instead she wants to devote her time to medicine and voluntary work. She previously served as a mentor and took part in the NGO Humanity in Action’s Democracy & Diversity program in the U.S.


© Copyright Aarhus Kommune

© Copyright Aarhus Kommune

 Purnima Kumarathas

Chairman for Aarhus Integration Council

Rap Slam Battles – 27 sep VOXHALL

Rap Slam Battles is a hybrid between poetry slam and freestyle rap battles.
However, as opposed to the freestyle battles that we all know and love, these battles have an entirely different set of rules.

The contenders write their material UP FRONT and with the phenomenon already gaining massive support in the US and the rest of Europe, Rap Slam Battles brings it to Denmark.

The concept is simple: rappers duelling 1 on 1 or 2 on 2, with pre-written rhyme schemes. The standards are higher and the focus is shifted; what rhymes are the most innovative? What techniques are used when constructing rhymes? etc.

No music – No beats – back to the basics!



Øverst an du se eller gense Rap Slam Battles på Roskilde Festival

Low vs. PTA

MagerMayn vs. Kazpa G

PsoriaKriz vs. Balthasar (1st cont.)

Dynamikken (Ham Piraten & Swoosh) vs. Karamelliseret (Det’ Bar’ Joe & AkaPelle)

English: Larry (Sleng) vs. Jake O.Z.

Callas vs. EnniOne

Billet i forsalg ; 100 kr
Billetsalg: http://www.billetter.rapslam.dk/

Dørene åbner: 19:00
Showstart: 20:00

Co-host: Henning Winther
Opvarming: Klub Dovensmart
Dommere: Jeppe Barslund, Morten fra Bare Battles & Ham den Lange

Tjek deres facebook for mere info

Mød op til debat – Etniske minoriteter i medierne – en ensidig historie?

Link til invitation (åbnes i ny fane) etniske-minoriteter-i-medierne1.pdf

Etniske minoriteter i medierne – en ensidig historie?

Aarhus Kommunes Integrationsråd og Flygtningehjælpens Aftenskole Aarhus inviterer til debat om

mediernes dækning af etniske minoriteter i Danmark.

Undersøgelser peger på:

Medierne taler om indvandrere og flygtninge – ikke med dem

Personer med radikale holdninger får taletid

Mediebilledet er ensidigt og negativt 

Kom og vær med til at nuancere debatten!

Gratis adgang

24. september kl.19.00-21.30

på Aarhus Hovedbibliotek

Agendaen der forsvandt

Oplæg v. Andreas Børresen, konsulent ved Infomedia, om, hvordan

medierne har beskrevet etniske minoriteter gennem de sidste år.

Ensidigt mediebillede af etniske minoriteter

Oplæg v. Peter Hervik, professor på Ålborg Universitet, om undersøgel-ser om etniske minoriteter i nyhedsbilledet og deres stemme, samt me-diers og politikeres respons på kritik af ensidighed.


Med oplægsholderne, 2 unge meningsdannere med etnisk minoritets-baggrund og lektor fra Journalisthøjskolen, Asbjørn Slot Jørgensen. Gratis adgang


GALLERI 8240 – Dansk


Af Christoffer Holmsteen

Galleri 8240 på Rolighedsvej 45A ved Risskov Kirke holder sommerudsalg.

Repræsenteret i det fine lille galleri, som har ligget på adressen siden marts i år, er mange fine hovedsageligt malende kunstnere, unge som lidt ældre, med stort talent og lang erfaring.

Udsalgspriser på 50% bringer kunstværkerne indenfor rækkevidde for selv den studerende, på udkig efter noget smukt til den hvide kollegievæg, eller småbørnsfamilien som netop er flyttet i hus.

De drivende kræfter er Hanne Stroyer og Ingelise Riising, begge talentfulde malerinder igennem mange år. De syntes, at Risskov manglede et galleri, og resultatet er blevet ganske indbydende.    De mange forskelligartede kunstværker fremstår smukt i de lyse lokaler, som summer af kreativitet.

Hanne Stroyer ; “Jeg vil gerne indfange det øjeblik, som pludselig opstår i mit indre på grund af en stemning eller en ydre påvirkning.”

Hanne Stroyer er uddannet portræt- og reklamefotograf, uddannet på Aarhus Kunstakademi og arbejder bl.a. med at overføre fotografi til lærred. Hun ynder at fange skønheden som motiv i fotografisk eller malerisk form, hvorved den undslipper tidens forgængelighed.

Et slående eksempel på hendes talent er den unge kvinde (n.th.) overført fra foto til maleri, hvis øjne følger tilskueren, uanset fra hvilken vinkel man beskuer værket.


Ingelise Riising ;”Mine motiver forholder sig til det abstrakte og jeg lader mine følelser samt sindsrytme spille med. Dagligdags- og naturoplevelser hjælper mig med at overføre det spontane udtryk til lærredet.”

Ingelise Riisings malerier er en koloristisk sammensmeltning, hvor hun arbejder med at skabe balance gennem farvernes dominans og udstrækning.

Udover at skabe malerisk kunst, dyrker hun sammen med sin mand vin fra Fjordgaard Vineri ved Norsminde syd for Aarhus: www.fjordgaardvineri.dk

Af kunstnere som for tiden er i Galleri 8240’s stald kan nævnes:

Anne Sofie Binder, Ulla Steen, Eric Jensen, Trine Fenger Guld, Ulla Bloch, Kirsten Jæger, Elisabeth Wegger, Elsebeth Lerche, Yrsa Lind, Jacob Lind Brandt, Rebekka Kofoed,

Ina Grauengaard, Hanne Honore, Laila Carlsen, Ingrid Middelboe samt Marie Middelboe.

Artikler om flere af disse spændende kunstnere vil snarest være at finde i nærværende forum.

Galleri 8240  Tirsdag – Søndag 13-17 Mandag lukket. Ånem tirsdag -søndag 13-17 .

Galleri 8240’s blog




By Christoffer Holmsteen

B-Boys in Neverland

Text and photos; Linda Sanogo

I used to be a B-girl (who would have thought) but then, for some reason, (motherhood) I left Neverland.
But some boys just never grow up, and like Peter Pan in Neverland I hope they never do.
These men are training hard everyday so they can hit the floor and b(e)- boys.
By the awesome power and will of these dancers and athletes, breakdance still has a voice in Denmark and it is on the rise once again.
Emilio Sanchez (FLC) was the man behind Saturdays breakdance event,  PROTECT YA REP,  at Brobjerg school in Aarhus. It’s a new concept that brings people together on and of the floor.
No judges, no prices —just dance.
It’s a performance show, where each B-boy or crew brings what they have and earn the respect of the opponents and audience. And this is hardcore stuff.
The cream of the cream of Denmark breakdancers met eachother in an exhibition consisting of 5 rounds each. And it went down*
Castro(Natural Effects) VS Egil(Familia Loca/Vicious Villainz)

Bravo(Familia Loca) VS Jeffx(Natural Effects)

Benjamin(Natural Effects) VS Bobby(Kinetic Soul)

Tunde (Fox Footwork/Vicious Villainz) VS J-Sticks(Familia Loca/Flgz)


(Familia Loca, Vicious Villainz, Floor Gangz, Specifik Kidz and etc.) VS (Fox Footwork, Natural Effects, Kinetic Soul, Born Floor Controllers and etc.)

Hosted by the delightfull Mr Chara – Fox Footwork

Several of the “seniors” where there to show support and love for this sport, and also the future generation of breakdancers were there to get some tips and inspiration.

This is only the first of many events that will be held during this year. I heard a bird whispering about a major breakdance event in Aarhus during the fall with celebrity hosting and the works. I can’t wait.
During the event you could buy water or a coke to support these artist. No alcohol which is a great way to encourage young people to dance more and drink less.

If you want to learn more or are you interesting in dancing with a crew check out these studios for more info. Both b-boys and b-girls are more than welcome
http://www.stylez-academy.dk/ (Aarhus )
http://freestylephanatix.dk ( Copenhagen)

Get your updates on whats happening in the wild world of breakdancing in Denmark here ; http://www.breakdance.dk/ 

Café-guide for forældre på barsel // Aarhus cafe guide for breast feeding parents

Cafe guide

By Anne Vinsløv Andersen

Skal det være tilladt at amme sit barn på en café? Er amning en ret eller overskrider man blufærdighedsgrænser ved at amme i det offentlige rum? Skal det være op til politikerne eller café-ejerne selv at vurdere dette? Disse spørgsmål diskuteres heftigt i medierne for tiden.

I Aarhus har cand.mag. Anne Vinsløv Andersen og socialrådgiver Rikke Fredsø imidlertid valgt at byde ind med en praktisk løsning. De er gået igang med at udvikle en århusiansk café-guide, som skal imødekomme både ammende mødre og fædre på barsel, øvrige café-gæster og café-personalet. En café-guide som skal vejlede alle involverede praktisk & konstruktivt.

Facebook Page.

Should it be allowed to breastfeed your baby in a public cafe, or does it exceed decency limits? Should it be up to the politicians or café-owners to decide what to do? These issues are discussed extensively in the danish media at the moment.

In Aarhus MA Anne Vinsløv Andersen and social worker Rikke Fredsø have come up with a possible practical solution. They are developing a café-guide, which will meet the needs of breastfeeding mothers and fathers on paternity leave, other café guests and café staff. A café-guide that will provide guidance and information, practical and constructive.

See the initiative on Facebook.