Tag Archives: Freestyle rap

Rap Slam Battles – 27 sep VOXHALL

Rap Slam Battles is a hybrid between poetry slam and freestyle rap battles.
However, as opposed to the freestyle battles that we all know and love, these battles have an entirely different set of rules.

The contenders write their material UP FRONT and with the phenomenon already gaining massive support in the US and the rest of Europe, Rap Slam Battles brings it to Denmark.

The concept is simple: rappers duelling 1 on 1 or 2 on 2, with pre-written rhyme schemes. The standards are higher and the focus is shifted; what rhymes are the most innovative? What techniques are used when constructing rhymes? etc.

No music – No beats – back to the basics!



Øverst an du se eller gense Rap Slam Battles på Roskilde Festival

Low vs. PTA

MagerMayn vs. Kazpa G

PsoriaKriz vs. Balthasar (1st cont.)

Dynamikken (Ham Piraten & Swoosh) vs. Karamelliseret (Det’ Bar’ Joe & AkaPelle)

English: Larry (Sleng) vs. Jake O.Z.

Callas vs. EnniOne

Billet i forsalg ; 100 kr
Billetsalg: http://www.billetter.rapslam.dk/

Dørene åbner: 19:00
Showstart: 20:00

Co-host: Henning Winther
Opvarming: Klub Dovensmart
Dommere: Jeppe Barslund, Morten fra Bare Battles & Ham den Lange

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