Tag Archives: Facebook

WarmUp Denmark – a new way of meeting people in Aarhus

Would you like to become a part of something inspirational on the grand-scale that has never been seen before in Aarhus?
Well, here is your chance!

We are happy to introduce this one of a kind event that has been organised to allow people to come together, open up, and do something perfectly ‘strange’!

This event is made for you, for the people we don’t know, and for the people you definitely don’t know either. So no matter if you are muscles or brain, colourful or plain we want you to take part in a wonderful event that is sure to give the perfect strangers of Aarhus a chance to warm up to each other to help start a revolution of kindness and first-class coffee.

So, where, when and how can you participate?

We, four international students from Business Academy Aarhus have created the perfect platform for you in Lille Torv, Aarhus starting at 11.00 to 14.30 on the 18th of October.

We know it sounds a little outlandish and it may require some courage, but lets get together Aarhus and bring down those barriers of a sometimes-unimaginative comfort zone! It is just you, a perfect stranger and not to mention, the event will be supported by some of the finest businesses in town.

So bring your good-hearted spirit, share or even buy a coffee for a stranger and start a conversation that will help to spread the message to the rest of the world that Aarhus deserves to be Europe’s cultural capital in the years to come.

We look forward to seeing you there! If you may have any queries please do not hesitate to contact: https://www.facebook.com/WarmUpDK

Friday 18th oct,  11-16 Lille Torv , Århus



Vil du være en del af noget, der giver inspiration på den store skala og aldrig før er set før i Aarhus?

Nu har du chancen.

Det glæder os at kunne introducere denne helt særlige begivenhed, der er blevet organiseret for at give mennesker mulighed for at mødes, åbne op og gøre noget helt specielt for en fuldstændig fremmed.

Begivenheden er for dcg, alle dem vi ikke kender, og alle dem du helt sikket heller ikke kender. Så det er lige meget om du har musklerne eller hjernen, om du har krøller eller ej, vi vil indbyde dig til at deltage i en vidunderlig begivenhed, der bringer fuldstændige fremmede sammen i Aarhus og starte en revolution af gode gerninger og kaffe i verdensklasse.

Så hvor, hvornår og hvordan kan du deltage?

Vi, fire internationale studerende på Erhvervsakademi Aarhus, har arrangeret den perfekte platform for dig på Lille Torv, Aarhus fra kl.12-16 den 18. oktober.

Vi ved den lyder en smule fremmed, og det kan kræve noget mod, men lad os samle Aarhus og nedbryde den nogle gange utænkelige komfort zones barrierer.

Det er bare dig, en fuldstændig fremmed og ej at forglemme at begivenheden sponsoreres af nogle af byens fineste virksomheder.

Så tag dit varme hjerte med, del eller køb sågar en kop kaffe til en fremmed og start en samtale, der vil hjælpe med til at sprede budskabet; at Aarhus har fortjent at være Europas kulturelle hovedstad i de kommende år.
Vi glæder os til at se dig!
Hvis du har nogen spørgsmål, så tøv ikke med at kontakte; https://www.facebook.com/WarmUpDK

Fredag d. 18 okt,  11-16 Lille Torv , Århus

Sign up for the event at facebook; https://www.facebook.com/events/1387024108201310/


Resecond's nye butikslokaler i Frederiksgade

Resecond’s nye butikslokaler i Frederiksgade



Af Linda Tatiene Sanogo Glenthøj

Som led i den nye bytte-og-dele trend er der opstået flere fora på nettet, hvor du kan bytte eller låne tøj. For eksempel ”Share Your Closet”, der er tænkt som et fælles online klædeskab, og ”Swapamok”, hvor du kan bytte børnetøj. Det kan dog stadig være problematisk at bytte tøj over nettet, for hvad nu hvis det ikke passer? For ikke at tale om turen til posthuset for at sende og returnere. Ud fra den tanke opstod kjole-bytte-butikken Resecond, der ligger på Nørrebro i København og som nu åbner i Århus d. 4 Juni.

De har fået lov til at få lokalet for en billig penge i et halvt år. Hvis de til den tid er lykkedes med at få 200 medlemmer i Aarhus, finder vi en permanent adresse i Aarhus. Så vær med i eksperimentet. Er Aarhus klar til dele-økonomi? Hjælp med at dele budskabet og tag dine veninder og deres pre-loved kjoler med i fælles skabet.

Butikken vil indtil videre køre på frivillig basis. I stedet bruger de vores lille overskud på at åbne flere butikker i landet – og gerne i hele verden over tid, så de en dag kan tage en håndfuld byttelapper med på rejser og bytte kjoler fra by til by.

Det er med hjælp fra Kaospiloten Daniel Walsh fra Idébutikken  , at Resecond nu åbner en afdeling på Frederiksgade 50.

(Daniel Walsh arbejder bl.a på diverse projekter for at gøre Frederiksgade til mere end blot en passage for at komme fra A til B med nye tiltag, som skal skabe liv i den historiske gade midt i Aarhus. Butikken åbner i forbindelse med ”Woodstock – festivalen ” i Frederiksgade Læs mere om projekterne her 

Link til Woodstock festival


Historie bag Resecond

Mikroøkonomi eller bytteøkonomi kaldes trenden, der går ud på at dele det, vi har, og som bonus få kontakt til mennesker, vi ellers ikke ville have mødt. Men bare rolig, det er stadig tilladt at skeje ud og bruge penge – bare man bruger dem på god kvalitet, der kan holde i mange år, og tåle at blive delt. Mange gange.

Byt i stedet for nyt
Hvor mange kjoler har du i dit skab? Hvor mange par jeans og T-shirts? Nogle kvinder har lige det, de skal bruge, men de fleste af os har alt for meget, der sjældent kommer på. Men hvorfor lade smukke kjoler hænge i skabet, og styrte ud og bruge penge på nye, når du kan bytte den gamle til en, der måske passer meget bedre?

Her kan man komme forbi med pæne kjoler og bytte dem til andre, der hænger i butikken og som derfor kan prøves. Du kan bytte lige så meget og lige så tit, du har lyst, det kræver bare, at du er medlem af butikken. Det koster 100 kr. om måneden.

Indehaver af Resecond, Stine Skytte, er inspireret af den amerikanske forfatter Rachel Botsmans bog ”What’s Mine is Yours”, der netop handler om at dele og bytte alt mellem himmel og jord. En tanke, der falder helt i tråd med Stine Skyttes egen 70’er-opdragelse.

– Jeg er vokset op med, at man skal lukke køleskabet, slukke for vandet, lukke alle døre og passe på varmen, og jeg har altid byttet ting med mine veninder.
Stine Skytte ønsker at udvide konceptet med flere butikker og har allerede fået henvendelser fra folk, der vil åbne byttebutikker i byer som Berlin og Göteborg.

Det ikke handler om at være frelst, men om at blive bevidst.
Det er for alvor ved at gå op for os alle sammen, at vi ikke kan blive ved med at vækste og putte alle mulige ting i jorden og i dyrene, hvis vi skal bevare planeten og fornuften. Man ser det overalt: Blogs om nøjsomhed, velfærd, madspild… Vi bevæger os væk fra ”mere og billigere” og hen mod ”bedre kvalitet” – på alle livets områder.

 Få dit eget fælles skab

De går ikke op mærker. De går op i kvalitet. Kjolerne må være nye eller vintage, bare de er af så god kvalitet, at de kan tåle at blive byttet. På den måde håber de at kunne inspirere kvinder til at købe kvalitet, som kan komme andre til gode, når tingen ikke er elsket længere. For vi smider jo ikke ting væk, fordi de ikke dur mere, men fordi vi er holdt op med at elske dem.

I Resecond bytter du lige så meget og lige så tit og lige så mange kjoler, du vil. Alt, du skal gøre, er at blive medlem og betale abonnement (600,- kr. pr. halvår), så er du med i fælles skabet.

Har du en Iphone, kan du få forbindelse til kjolebyttere over hele verden med  Resecond app

Det er gratis at lægge kjoler ind og se andres kjoler på app’en. Det er først, hvis du selv vil bytte, at du betaler et engangsbeløb på 119 kr. (20$). Herefter kommer du i kontakt med dem, du vil bytte med. Og så kan I selv lave aftaler og sende flere billeder af kjolerne, I vil bytte med hinanden.

Så kom med til ”the grand opening” d. 4 Juni, og tag dine veninder og kjoler med.

Se mere på deres Facebook og hjemmeside

Facebook, blaaah that’s for old people!

By Iskra Dinkova-Technology Bohemian 

Fads and trends apply to everything. From the overall fashion style (for example: hippie, grunge, hipster) to a certain mentality (for example: left-wing, democrat, communist) to the way we communicate (for example: letters, phone, internet) and the list goes on and on. And in that list, tools with which we communicate, such a social media, are not left out.

I have seen this many times and the story keeps repeating itself time and time again – young nerdy (usually friendless) entrepreneur, figures out a painfully obvious formula but beats everyone else to the punch and thus is immortalized with his name under a huge logo that says Friendster. Cut it to the bare bones and you’ll see that the same happened with MySpace, Tumblr and, of course, Facebook.

Well, I am confident that nobody remembers Friendster, as I’m sure that no one has a MySpace anymore, but how is Facebook still afloat?

All platforms are doomed to this potential mini apocalypse, and there might be no salvation. Fact is every second a brilliant idea is born and after a few months it is bound to resurface on the web as a startup company. In many cases that idea-fetus is for a new social network – either for the elite (for example: Medium) or for nerds (for example: Google+) – in all cases, community is the backbone and main idea.

And many of those fetuses are willing to compete for the crown of the current social media king i.e. Facebook, but as my previous point states – “every summer has a fall” and “the bigger they are – the harder they fall”. But how does this initially happen: how do you go from an undefeated community-building titan to a noun used to ridicule old and unfashionable people?

I remember back in the day when MySpace was the most innovative thing ever. It was not user friendly, it had bugs all over, tracking your community was slow and inefficient yet people still loved it. Then things started to change: the interface started to change, things became more flashy and the unspeakable – Tom (the creator of MySpace) sold the network like a second hand coffee table and things were never the same. Many people deleted their profiles or just made the natural shift towards Facebook, which was an emerging social media at the time.

But years later, isn’t Facebook making that same mistake – Graph search, tracking your every move, selling phone numbers to advertising companies, aren’t those just acts of desperation? When an idea is overused, doesn’t it become dull and wasted?

Everything new is interesting, right? Well, when will this new car smell wear off from Facebook’s over-worn seats? Is adding new functions and gadgets enough to keep people interested, or does that remind you of the desperate actions of a drowning person, clinging onto anything they may grab onto?

Only time will tell. All I know is even long-lasting products have expiration dates.

But keeping my cynical/technophobic tone at the same frequency: I can’t wait till the moment when future teens will react to Facebook as: “Facebook? That old relic?!” or “Facebook – that’s for old people!”. The only thing that worries me is the increased levels of addiction with each next-generation social media. That being said if we spend a good portion of the day logged in and procrastinating in front of the nice white and blue dashboard, then I suspect the next “big thing” will probably come with needles and tubes.

Bang with Facebook Friends-Sex Revolution or Bullshit?


By “Anonymous” from Aarhus.

The application “Bang With Friends” promises (and as far as we know also gives) an anonimous presence while searching for a sex partner on Facebook. It has even made the headlines of Forbes magazine and UK’s Independent newspaper.

This new app was created in California by someone who wishes to remain anonymous. Word on the street says this idea came into being after a debate about social relationships and affection.

They agreed that the best chance at finding affection would come from” those” one is already friends with on social media, namely Facebook. Thus the idea  “Bang With Friends” came into being.

And one week later , there were already some 10 thousand people who had a… let’s say, good time! after using the application. Some 3 weeks after – and that is like… NOW, there are more than 500 thousand users of the application. From this half of a million users one fifth, 100 thousand people that is, have had their intimacy to the limit or a little bit over the limit with a friend who was also using the same application.

Don’t go blue yet. It was said that the application registered 5 NEW USERS FOR EVERY MINUTE! It depends on how soon one gets a message in the e-mail box saying “It’s banggin’ time! You’ve got a banggin’ match!” (as I read somewhere…). Privacy?.. On facebook?.. Is that possible??

As it seems, the user just has to join in and the application will find his or her adequate partner/s. Then it is all confidential until someone in that list wants to “bang” back. Certainly it seems simple and it sounds sophisticated. But does it really work? Could it be a newest or The sex revolution of our time? I haven’t tried it (yet, I dare to say).

But it seems that “yes”, it could be the next sexual revolution. The thing is that a little bit more time will be needed to know if it turns to be “it”. Why? First because it has only been there for 3 weeks. Second because the creators are still developing the software in order to have working for LBGT and on mobile platforms. Third because they are not alone anymore and TrintMe (or another “sex app”) could overtake them and become the real hot stuff. Still one thing seems to be for sure: and that is that this sex revolution will not be visualized

What do you think of this trend? Is this acceptable or is this sexual freedom 21st century style?


Bang With Friends (facebook application):

TrintMe (facebook application)

Will Facebook /Ipad raise your kids?

Image representing iPad as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

 By. Tendai Tagarira-Editor

Much of yesterday and today, I took a small break from Aarhusblog and other social media like you know it, Facebook! Since the blog started publishing, I have literally spend 6 weeks glued to the nearest computer, updating the site, making changes, innovating, coordinating with bloggers etc. Its hard work, but I love it. “You are like a fish swimming in water with Aarhusblog,”my girlfriend said to me. Yes I love Aarhus culture (My girlfriend too) and writing and blogging are also great lovers of mine.

I made a pledge to myself to forever use my writing to make the world a better place. And these days with all the new and fancy gadgets, writing on the go has become so much easier. I still keep an old typewriter and I use it once in a blue moon. It reminds me of the good old days, when you would hit those clunky keys and slash your way through a great story. But those days are gone. The typewriter has become obsolete and can now be found in museums of history. No one really uses them anymore because with the new android devices, laptops, iPads you can write on all kinds of fancy applications and programs. You can even edit as you write with great grammar checkers. Once in a while I deliberately leave out grammar errors, just to remind myself of the good old typewriter days when it was possible and ok to make a small typo.

I am referring to the typewriter in this article but I am using it as a metaphor for all the technology and great inventions that have become obsolete. For me the technology of the 70s,80s and 90s was about human interaction with not only the device but the environment. For example, the old telephone booth. It forced you to walk down town to find it. You had to stand in a que sometimes  and you could talk to other people in the que. It was like sharing one giant telephone with total strangers, something totally unthinkable today. In those days, you would get the chance to go inside the booth, squeeze some coins into the telephone and dial your number, using that old round dial thing. Nowadays you can just tell your smart phone to dial “Antje or Jimmy of Edy” and bam it calls them. You don’t even need to press a button anymore to make a call. You don’t have to walk around the block anymore to find the nearest pay phone. Its all integrated into your smart gadget.

Remember those old Pentax cameras. You had to buy a film and insert it and reel it and then shut the camera and then make a few clicks before it started working. You had to interact manually with the camera and set the lance and adjust it accordingly. Nowadays you have automatic settings for all devices. All you have to do is click a button and everything gets done for you. You don’t even have to take the film to an old film studio and get it developed. You can just blue tooth it to your printer and bang!

Even jerking off has changed. In the old days, it was tough to find a copy of playboy magazine or hustler. I remember in primary school, I saw the first porn magazine in 7th grade. The boy who had the magazine made a small fortune as we had to pay to spend some minutes looking at the magazine. I know some of you don’t like it that I mentioning porn in this article, but If i have learned anything its that teenagers will find a way to discover porn, one way or the other.

Nowadays, porn is everywhere. All the taboo has gone out of it. It has become so flooded with internet sites that all its mystery and awe disappeared. Denmark was the porn capital of the world in the 70s and 80s. Aarhus is itself resident to some famous porn stars from the 80s (whose names I shall not mention) In those days porn was like a film, there was a script and a story line. Nowadays its all about being butt naked and getting it on. So sad and who is to blame. The internet.

I personally have a love and hate relationship with the internet and technology. Back in the early 90s when I was attending primary school, we had to learn the multiplication tables and memorize them. I could multiply 9×9, 27X9 etc right from my own memory. I could write with clear and eligible handwriting. But ask a kid from Aarhus who is in the gymnasium “Danish high school” to multiply some numbers using their head. It will be asking for the impossible. Some of the students even have poor handwritings all because now they can use an iPad. So many schools in Denmark are giving their students iPads.

Teachers are sending homework as links and some do their homework on Facebook. What happened to sitting together with the neighbors kids and helping each other with home work? I am not a hater of the iPad. In fact I am quite grateful as it allows us to do mobile blogging. Actually, we now use a samsung galaxy tab for mobile blogging and it makes it easy for us to publish on Aarhusblog. Its simply convenient.

But as a people, do we run the risk of forsaking real face to face interactions simply because we can keep in touch on Facebook. I heard some parents now check their children’s Facebook profiles to see if their children are happy. A happy Facebook post from their child must mean she is doing fun. But why not walk over to her in her bedroom, where she is sitting on the computer all day and say, “Hi child, how are you feeling today”? By default some parents are letting technology raise their kids. Yes, technology has its advantages, but it should not replace old age human direct interaction.

Imagine the future, 50 years from now. I am sure the iPhone will be in the museum next to the typewriter and there will be some other wonder smart devices, inconceivable  at this time. Ask yourself, “Are we experiencing a technology and social media overload?”  What can be done about it. Please do share your thoughts, this discussion is of crucial importance to our survival as a species.

Portable Typewriters

Portable Typewriters (Photo credit: alexkerhead)